Torture Tunes



Aborted is another band that has so far eluded me - hailing from Belgium but can boast many different nationalities in their line up the only ever present being vocalist Sven "Svencho" de Caluwé. I will start by saying this album hooked me from the beginning with “Six Feet of Foreplay Introduction” and held my attention. So much so that I delayed reviewing this album as I have found that albums that grab you instantly can often bore you after a few listens, this is not the case here. A well written, performed album. The songs are strong and blend old school death with new and that’s what I figure has made sure that after 2 weeks of listening to this, the album still is enjoyable.

The vocals I enjoy, (Sven) seems to change effortlessly between higher and lower tones. The guitar solos on this album blend enough melody to really bring them out from the overall heavy grinding riffs. Nothing is lost in a great mix and production. The songs are just the right length to hold you without boring you and this is a credit to the writing and musicianship so clearly evident here. “The Extirpation Agenda” is a great onslaught from the intro. The album just builds from here and paces itself nicely throughout. The riffs are aggressive and unrelenting and are perfectly executed. There is a grind feel to some of the riffs on this album which I really enjoyed.

Overall Aborted are a band I really enjoyed and with an album the quality of Necrotic Manifesto it should hopefully keep the pretenders and up and coming bands of this genre on their toes enough to create extreme music of the highest quality. There is enough speed and grinding heavy riffs and changes on this album to keep even the staunchest headbanger’s neck fully exorcised. I will say this to, I don’t think there is a weak song on this album so get on the case of Aborted as I have and enjoy the ride the music will take you on. I’m going to check them out live in London later this year, because this album is so good, can’t wait to hear the live versions of the songs.

Meathook Mike, HMS

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